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Have you ever felt like a weary soul in search of rest? So many things can weigh us down as we go through life. I honestly don’t understand why hard stuff happens in our lives. But the Bible doesn’t promise us that once we accept Jesus as our Savior and enter into a relationship with Him that it’s all rainbows, lollipops and roses. I wish!
God promises that He will be with us when we face trials and feel like a weary soul in search of rest!
“So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the LORD your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.”
Deuteronomy 31:6
The Lord promises that when we’re feeling weary, He will give us rest.
Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28
God’s Word reminds us that when we feel like a weary soul in search of rest, that we can find joy in the trials of life.
Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.
James 1:2
My life has been pretty tough the past few years. So many things have left me feeling emotionally, physically and spiritually exhausted! I am certain that you have felt like a weary soul in search of rest too.
We all have struggles and burdens. None of us is perfect. That’s why we need a Savior!
Life is hard. Things become overwhelming. We mess up. And it sort of stinks some days, doesn’t it?
9 Ways To Rest A Weary Soul! Share on XWhen we feel like a weary soul in search of rest, sometimes we put on a smiley face and pretend everything’s ok.
Some days we need to do it, simply to get through the day. Other times we just want to hide our pain or shame. We don’t have the emotional capacity to share our hardships. The smiley face allows us to build a protective wall around us.
Eventually, the wall grows higher and higher. The more unreal we are with the people in our lives, the easier it becomes to detach from the world around us. As we detach and hide our hard stuff, the more we give the enemy space to run free. That’s a dangerous, soul-crushing place to be.
One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned over the years is to give my weariness over to Jesus.
We often make it harder than it needs to be.
We sign up for a bunch of Bible studies, exhaust ourselves serving at church and in the community, or bang ourselves up if we aren’t “Christian enough.” Sometimes the Church itself shames us into thinking we’ve failed because we aren’t doing more or meeting “their” standards for being a Christ-follower.
But we can rest in Jesus. We can bring Him our burdens, trusting that He has a plan for us. We can find peace knowing that we don’t have to exhaust ourselves to earn favor with Him.
Even when we don’t have the answers, all things do eventually work together for His good and His glory. (Romans 8:28)
My heart hurts so much sometimes, that it almost feels like I will burst into a gazillion pieces if I don’t release the pain locked deep inside my soul. I’ve been pouring it all out to my Heavenly Father lately in all its messy glory. And like Pringles, once you start, you just can’t stop!
Resting in Jesus gives us peace.
I firmly believe in the healing power of authenticity. I’m thankful that in the midst of all my craziness I can find the joy around me.
A pastor friend told me a while back to “Seek Jesus out in every nook and cranny of your life.”
I kind of thought he was nuts. But once I promised to follow through with it, I began to see God at work EVERYWHERE.
He as at work in my marriage, healing me from the grief of a painful failed adoption and years of infertility. I found Him out on a walk, in the beauty of the sky and the world around me. When I finally accepted the reality that my identity isn’t tied to being a mom or a wife, children playing in our neighborhood became a source of joy again for me.
Spiritual rest is a beautiful thing!
Will you join me today? Let’s choose to rest in Jesus!
9 ways to rest when your soul is weary.
Here are 5 simple ways to spend more time with Jesus.
Here are 17 more simple ways to spend time with Jesus!
Here are 10 Bible verses for hard times.
Open up God’s Word.
Read your Bible.
Remind yourself of God’s promises.
Ask for prayer.
Lean on the friends God has given you in this life.
Trust His goodness.
Trust His timing.
Trust His will.
Strengthen your relationship with Jesus today!
Seek Jesus in every nook and cranny of your life today! A Weary Soul In Search Of Rest Share on X