To Love Honor & Sneeze Together

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I recently celebrated another year of marriage. Truth be told, they haven’t all been wonderful years, many have been difficult and long for both of us. Painful and heart-wrenching even. But we got through them together. Some with heartache and tears, others with joy and smiles.

There were days, years maybe, for both of us, where it probably seemed like it would never get better. We resented each other at some point, I’m sure, for our lack of respect and love for each other.

We were so busy with our own hurt hearts that we couldn’t see through to the other person’s pain and frustration. There were years for both of us where it was all about ‘me me me.’ You know a little bit about that, don’t you?

Those, by the way, were the difficult years. That ‘me, me, me’ mentality didn’t work when we were 2-years-old; it certainly doesn’t work any better as adults!

There are three of us in our marriage now. God. Me. Hubby.

We both came from broken homes so we didn’t have the best role models. But the one thing that has been at the center of our marriage, most, if not all the years together, is our commitment to God.

Jesus is our living hope.

For better or for worse. For richer or poorer. Till death. Who knew that would involve so much work!

Marriage is hard work. So work hard for your marriage!

Marriage is hard work, so work hard for your marriage! Share on X

We are all a bunch of less than perfect sinners who one day decide to get hitched to another not so perfect sinner. It sounds like a recipe for disaster, doesn’t it?

But thank God (literally) that He’s given us a road map of how to love each other through the Bible.

A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.

Ecclesiastes 4:12

To love, honor & sneeze together!

For the past week or so my hubby and I have both been battling colds. We’ve shared over a dozen Kleenex boxes. We’ve endured each other’s snotty noses, sneezes, fevers, coughs and sleepless nights. We’ve prayed for each other, we’ve laughed, I’ve even cried (my head has hurt so much).

After so many years doing life together, there isn’t another human being on the planet that I’d rather share my snot-filled moments with than my husband!

This truly incredible man is a precious gift from the Lord that I hold dear to my heart each and every day. He is my best friend. He has been with me through death, joy, sorrow, heartache, plenty of tears, car accidents, silly moments, crazy moments, sleepless nights, infertility, a failed adoption, cancer and other health issues, bad cooking fiascos, female temper tantrums, family drama and pain. I am tearfully overjoyed sometimes at how lucky I am to have him. And how blessed I am to know him.

It is such a privilege to do life together, isn’t it?

I get a front-row seat to watch how God is growing him into the man God created him to be. His knowledge for remembering God’s Word astounds me. I can’t even remember what I ate for lunch yesterday!

I am not perfect. I never will be. I’ve stopped trying to strive for something that’s impossible. I’ve also recognized that he’s not perfect either. Therefore, our marriage is never going to be perfect either. And that’s okay.

Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace.

Ephesians 4: 2-3

We have been able to come together, two beautifully imperfect people, to love one another despite all our imperfections. We commit each day to love each other the best we can and to try our best to serve our Lord through our marriage.

That’s all any of us can really do. Just keep striving to love the big and little people in our lives the best we can each day.

Take some time today to let your spouse know how they are loved. We get so busy and mad and crazy and tired sometimes, that we easily forget.

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