hands and feet of jesus

4 Ways To Be The Hands And Feet Of Jesus

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Have you ever wondered what it means to be the “hands and feet of Jesus?’

That term is tossed around Christian circles a lot and is often followed by big acts of service that would put most of us to shame.

You don’t need a gazillion dollars to make a big  impact in God’s kingdom.

You just need a willing heart ready to live out your faith and show up to love the big and little people in your life the best you can!

One of my favorite quotes on prayer so eloquently shows us how to love others well and be God’s hands and feet:

“Practical prayer is harder on the soles of your shoes than on the knees of your trousers.” Austin O’Malley

Prayer in action is powerfully done by serving others.

It’s a blessing to see people serving and meeting needs in our community. Doesn’t it warm your heart to see children stepping up to encourage a sibling or friend in their time of need? Isn’t it fun to receive a random act of kindness on a day when God knew you needed it most?

We can share the love of Jesus in so many practical ways.

Have you ever heard the story about the little girl who was on the way home from a play date and stopped to help a friend whose bike broke down? When the little girl got home, her mom was upset and demanded an explanation. The girl told her mom that she stopped to help a friend whose bike was broken. The mom raised her voice and reminded the little girl that she knows absolutely nothing about fixing bikes! The little girl replied that she stopped to give her friend a hug because she was sad about her broken bike. Mom stood there in silence.

Seriously, how powerful is that story?

We often jump straight to advice or words of comfort to help the people in our life who are hurting or having a hard day.

I do it too. Frequently! It has backfired in ways I could never imagine.

Too often our quick words can pour salt on an already open wound or our actions can be misinterpreted.

Even our best intentions often have unforeseen consequences. #truthhurts

“My children, our love should not be just words and talk; it must be true love, which shows itself in action.” 1 John 3:18

A kind deed never goes unnoticed!

OK, that’s technically not true. I do kind deeds all the time and they frequently go unnoticed. You prolly do too.

But my point is that loving others through acts of service can be a tremendous blessing to someone in need.

Small acts of service can have a huge impact on someone in need!

Our actions can have a powerful impact on someone’s aching soul. Share on X

That whole “bigger is better” logic doesn’t work most of the time. Neither does the “go big or go home” mentality.

Small acts of service can have a huge impact!

Sometimes the best gift we can offer is the gift of our presence. Share on X

Be the warm body on the couch with a cup of coffee in hand to someone in need today.

There is no better example of love in action than Jesus’ death on the Cross.

The Bible contains beautiful truths and practical knowledge for daily living. But without the sacrificial love of the Cross, the rest of it doesn’t really matter, does it?

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whomever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

I miss a ton of opportunities every week to spread a little of Christ’s love to others. You do too!

Too often we choose the comfort of our own schedule over the chance to show practical love to others.

Go outside your comfort zone and put faith into action this week by loving on someone in need.

Not sure where to begin? 

4 Ways To Be The Hands & Feet Of Jesus

Offer words of encouragement.

When is the last time you wrote a note to your spouse and kiddos letting them know how much you appreciate them? It’s amazing how this small, simple act can make someone feel cherished and loved. Tuck a note into your kid’s lunchbox, or under their pillow. Stick a note of encouragement in your husband’s shoe, coat pocket or briefcase. Tuck a note into your teen daughter’s makeup case or put a word of affirmation on a bathroom mirror.

Invest in quality time.

Spend quality time with your spouse and kids this week. Take time to ask important questions that get to the heartbeat of where your family is in their faith. Start off with simple questions, like “How was work/school today?” and progress to questions like “Where did you see God show up in your life today?” or “What lesson did Jesus teach you today?

Share small gifts.

Tuck a post-it note with a “way to go” and a little candy bar in your kid’s lunchbox or a spouse’s briefcase. Bring a cup of coffee to a coworker who needs a little pick me up. Send flowers to your bestie, or buy a couple bottles of nail polish and a lipstick for a friend who just went through a bad breakup. Take a cupcake to a friend you’ve been meaning to grab coffee with for weeks now. Visibly remind someone in your life today of how much you appreciate them. Offer to pray for someone.

Serve others.

Take time together as a family to serve a neighbor or friend in need. Offer to do yard work or prepare a meal. As you cook together, pray over the food, deliver it together as a family and talk about the importance that small acts of service can make in someone’s life. Have your kids create dinner place mats with Scripture verses or ask them to choose their favorite Christian music to burn onto a CD to enjoy while eating dinner. Be creative!

These small acts together as a family can create a lasting legacy for God’s kingdom.

Prayer in action begins when our heart is focused on showing Jesus' love to others. Share on X

What will you do to be the hands and feet of Jesus? Take time to serve the big and little people in your life this week!

hands and feet of Jesus

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