4 truths about prayer

4 Truths You Need To Know About Prayer

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A guest post by Ruthie Gray | edited by Nicki Schroeder

Did you see the movie War Room by chance? If so, it probably lit a fire under you to pray! But somewhere along the way you likely became discouraged because prayer in real life just doesn’t happen the way it does in the movie.

Maybe you’ve never seen the movie, but have always wondered if you are praying “the right way.” You aren’t alone!

As a mom of four (now adult) children and a a wife who has navigated the ups and downs of many decades of marriage, I’ve prayed a lot over the years. Here are my best tips on prayer.

4 truths you need to know about prayer! Share on X

4 Truths You Need To Know About Prayer

1. Prayer is about relationship, not location.

In Matthew 6:5, Christ spoke of hypocrites who “Love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others.” God does not want grandstanding from His children. Instead,  in verse 6, He tells us:

“But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”

Christ’s goal was for us to build a relationship with Himself and not use our prayers for show.

We must strive to get alone and pray with the Lord, away from distractions. But it doesn’t have to literally be a closet or even a special room or space in our house. We can pray in a bathroom, the kitchen, while doing laundry, or even at work while plugging away on our computers or in a meeting. Prayer works everywhere!

Just because you can’t find time alone, or pray in a special place, doesn’t mean your prayers don’t matter or that God doesn’t hear you. As a mom of four, I’m here to tell you – God meets you right where you are!

2. Prayer takes time.

Yes, prayer is our weapon. However, God gives each of us a will and He does not force it on us. If you are praying that your husband will change and he isn’t, it doesn’t mean you’re praying wrong. A godly friend prayed over her husband, even denouncing Satan in the name of the Lord, saying, “You can’t have him!” And yet, he still left her and chose the other woman.

Prayer is just as much about the shaping of your godliness as it is about the repentance of others. Share on X

Your issues will not magically get solved overnight. Life just doesn’t happen that way. Marital discord takes time to heal. Kids need time to grow. You need time to learn.

Your prayers could go unanswered for years. But still keep at it. If your husband is an unbeliever or is living in sin, you cannot make him believe or stop sinning. If your kids are actively sinning, you may be able to control some of the situation, but you can’t control their hearts. But God can work in mighty ways. Never give up, never stop believing and always keep praying.

3. You may not get a happy ending.

We all love happy endings, don’t we? But in real life, everything does not always turn out well, even if we repent. Even if we pray.

There are consequences for sin. Messes are not tidied up so quickly. Sometimes you lose your house. A husband walks away. Children stray. And you’re left crying in your dishwater.

There is no magic formula in the Bible that says, “If you do this, then your life will end up great.” Not everything will turn out perfectly just because we pray, but God will sustain us!

4. Stay faithful because God is good.

Life is hard, and life is tough. But God is faithful and God is good. Faith is about accepting the first statement and believing the second. Faith is believing life is hard, yet God is good.

Faith is believing life is hard, yet God is good. Share on X

“Now to Him Who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21

God is with you in your darkness, your mess and He’s even in the middle of the food fights and arguments that happen in your home. Keep praying, keep fighting and keep looking up. Prayer is about obedience and a relationship with God!

What are some tips you have learned about prayer that could encourage others? Share below or join us on the Showered In Grace Facebook page.

Ruthie Gray

Ruthie Gray is a wife, Gigi and mom of four (who lived to tell about it). Ruthie’s passion is mentoring moms to capture joy with humor, advice and practical application of Scripture. She is also a contributor to the free devotional app for moms called TruthBytes. Visit her at www.Ruthie Gray.Mom.

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