Showered in grace

Live a life showered in grace. No one is perfect, yet sometimes we hold ourselves (and others) to a standard of perfection we can never achieve. Let go of the need to control and allow yourself the freedom to live life showered in God’s grace.

Love One Another

Have I told you about the one day I threw a wrench into an already messy family environment when I bid a fond farewell to the Catholic church and decided to continue following Jesus without a denomination? This news was bigger than Watergate in my household. My dear mom swore she could hear our ancestors

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Unfulfilled Dreams

Life is a bit funny, isn’t it? I mean, one minute you are 5 years old. Dreaming of the day you will be a big Hollywood actress, or a ballerina. Or maybe some totally kick butt rock star. And if that doesn’t work out, maybe a princess, space explorer, firefighter, race car driver, mountain climber

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